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About Us

Inmaculada Chilled Coffee was born because we wanted to enter the retail space but we were not interested in the roasted coffee market (at least not yet ;)) so we did a research and it turned out that the cold coffee industry is growing at a rapid rate and that is where we wanted to be… BUT… we did not just want to offer another cold brew or cold coffee with sugar and cream or a coffee beverage filled with artificial flavor; no! We wanted to deliver our amazing varieties in a can. Sounds crazy huh??

Well it took us around 15 months to create, develop and investigate all about this market, beverage and how we could brew our coffees and maintain the quality in a can or bottle.

We tried classic classic cold brew technologies and traditional cold coffee methods but all of them distorted our coffees and turned out to be just a cold and intense brew. Until we found Snapchill!

Snapchill is a technology that brews the coffee hot and chills it immediately (those are just in simple words, the science behind it is mind blowing… or chilling should I say :p). This way the coffee really keeps its flavors and aromas insuring the quality of the hot brewed coffee in a can… cold! Boom! So thats were we saw that our varieties could offer something beyond cold coffee so we did many tests on those varieties until we reached the perfect brew for this specific technology.

But why are we talking so much about varieties and cup quality? Well, we are a sub-project of Inmaculada Coffee Farms. I’ll give you a tiny minuscule summary but you can always check our other website www.inmaculadacoffeefarms.com

Inmaculada Coffee Farms

In 2010 we, the Holguin family, decided to create a project that is directed to the community of a small town in the northwest of Cali planting specialty coffees. We knew it was not easy, we were not experts and it needed a lot of labor. We started of with 5 hectares and after the first harvest, we realized that there was something really interesting and promising going on, so we decided to expand this project and today we have 35 hectares of planted coffees with varieties such as Laurina, Geisha, Sudan Rume and Eugenoides. Inmaculada was able to support champions since 2015 such as Sasa Sestic, Elika Liftee, Matt Winton, Diego Campos, Morgan Eckroth, Wojtek Bialzai, Natalia Kwiatowska, Andrea Allen, Hugh Kelly, Tomas Tomas Taussif and many others who put a fierce competition.

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